Baby boys' names with the letter and with the meaning

Discover a wide range of Hindu and Indian boy names with profound cultural significance. Find a boy’s name that is special and significant, carefully chosen to reflect a wealth of traditions. Find the ideal name that reflects the history of your family.

AaravPeaceful, Calm
ArjunBright, Shining, A heroic figure in Mahabharata
AkashSky, Open space
AdvaitUnique, Non-dual, One without a second
AryanNoble, Honorable, Warrior
AshwinA name of a star, light, or the first month of the year
AdityaSun, Son of Aditi
AnshulGlowing, Radiant
AmitInfinite, Boundless
AbhinavNew, Innovative
BhaveshLord of the world
BharatIndia, A great king, Universal ruler
BhanuSun, Radiant, Shining
BinayHumble, Modesty
BhuvanPalace, World, Earth
BalaramStrong, A name of Lord Krishna
BarunLord of the Sea, Another name of Lord Vishnu
BhargavA name of Lord Shiva
BrahmaCreator, God of creation
ChandanSandalwood, Fragrance
CharanFeet, A humble devotee of Lord
ChiragLamp, Light
ChetanConsciousness, Spirit
ChiranjeevImmortal, Everlasting
ChaitanyaConsciousness, The Ultimate Reality
ChandranMoon, Radiant
CharvikIntelligent, Clever
ChhaviReflection, Image
ChetvikOne who is full of wisdom
DevGod, Lord, Divine
DhanushBow, A weapon of Lord Shiva
DaksheshLord Shiva, One who is skilled
DhruvPole Star, Constant, Immovable
DeepakLamp, Light
DineshLord of the Day, Sun God
DevendraKing of the Gods, Lord Indra
DigvijayConqueror of the world
DarshanVision, Seeing, A religious experience
DivyanshPart of the Divine, Brilliant
EshanLord Shiva, A name of Lord Vishnu
EkanshA part of the whole, A part of God
EshwarGod, Lord, Almighty
ElangoYoung King, Youthful
EkagraFocused, Concentrated, Determined
EshanvLord Shiva, Sun, East direction
EeshanLord Shiva, The Sun
EzhilanNew, Young, Bright
EshaanLord Shiva, Full of light
EswarSupreme God
FaiyazSuccessful, Prosperous
FarhanJoyful, Happy
FirdausParadise, Heaven
FahimIntelligent, Understanding
FarooqDistinguishing between truth and falsehood
FerozeVictorious, Winner
FaisalDecisive, Judge, Arbitrator
FadhilExcellent, Virtuous
FatehVictory, Conqueror
FaizanBeneficence, Grace
GautamLord Buddha, A name of Lord Buddha
GaneshLord Ganesha, God of new beginnings
GauravPride, Honor, Respect
GokulA place where Lord Krishna grew up
GovindLord Krishna, Protector of cows
GirishLord Shiva, King of the Mountains
GaurishLord Shiva, Goddess Parvati's consort
GajendraKing of elephants, Powerful, Mighty
GangeshLord of the Ganges, Lord Shiva
GranthCollection of Sacred Texts
HarshHappiness, Joy, Delight
HemantEarly winter, A season
HariLord Vishnu, God of Preservation
HarshitHappy, Joyful, Delighted
HiteshLord Vishnu, God of welfare
HimanshuMoon, Lord Shiva
HridayHeart, Love
HarshithJoyous, Cheerful
HanselLittle Swan, A symbol of purity
HemrajKing of Gold, Lord Vishnu
IshaanLord Shiva, Sun, East direction
IshaMaster, Lord, Goddess Parvati
IndraKing of the Gods, God of Rain
ImaanFaith, Belief
InayatGenerosity, Favor
IshwarGod, Supreme Being
InderLord Indra, God of Heaven
IqbalProsperous, Successful
IrfanKnowledge, Wisdom
IdreesName of a Prophet
JaiVictory, Conqueror
JatinSaint, Lord Shiva
JaiwanVictorious, Full of Glory
JanakFather of Sita, King Janaka
JivendraKing of Life, Life-giving
JagdishLord of the Universe, God
JitendraConqueror of the Gods, Lord Shiva
JaswanthGlorious, Famous, Victorious
JivanLife, Living
JayeshVictor, The Best, Most Victorious
KaranA name of Lord Vishnu, Warrior
KrishanLord Krishna, Black, Dark
KunalLotus, Son of Emperor Ashoka
KartikA name of Lord Murugan, God of War
KishoreYoung, Lord Krishna
KeshavLord Krishna, The one with long hair
KumarPrince, Son of King
KamalLotus, Pure, Beautiful
KrishnaGod, Lord Krishna, The Supreme God
KaviPoet, Wise, Intelligent
LakshayAim, Target, Goal
LaxmanLord Rama’s brother, One with Good qualities
LokeshLord of the World, Lord Vishnu
LalitElegant, Graceful, Charming
LakshmanBrother of Lord Rama, One with purpose
LokenathLord of the world, King of the universe
LajeshLord of the world
LovishGod of love, Lord of love
LaltuGentle, One who is soft-hearted
LayanPath, Ray of light, To go with the flow
MohanEnchanting, A name of Lord Krishna
ManishGod of the mind, Intelligent
MayankMoon, A name of Lord Shiva
MukeshLord of the earth, God of the world
MuditHappy, Joyful, Delighted
ManavHuman, Son of Man
MaheshGreat Lord, Lord Shiva
MadhavA name of Lord Krishna, Sweet like honey
MadhurSweet, Pleasant, Melodious
MiteshLord Vishnu, One who has control
NikhilComplete, Whole, Lord Vishnu
NeelBlue, Sapphire
NayanEye, Vision
NiravCalm, Silent, Quiet
NandanSon, Joyful, Delightful
NakulOne of the Pandavas, God of Sweetness
NileshLord Krishna, The blue God
NiranjanPure, Clean, Lord Shiva
NavinNew, Fresh
NirbhayFearless, Brave
OmSacred syllable, A name of Lord Shiva
OjasBrilliance, Energy, Power
OmkarLord of Om, Sound of the Universe
OmeshLord of Om, God of the Universe
OnkarGod, The supreme being
OshwinA variation of Ashwin, A name of a star
OjaswiBright, Energetic
OviBeautiful, Elegant
OmriMy People, God is my strength
OmranProsperity, Building, Flourishing
PranavSacred syllable Om, Lord Vishnu
PritamBeloved, Loved, Lord Krishna
PrakashLight, Bright, Radiant
PankajLotus, Born in the Mud
ParthPrince, Arjun, One of the Pandavas
PradeepLight, Lamp, Bright
PushkarSacred Lake, Lotus
ParameshSupreme God, Lord Vishnu
PrajwalBright, Ever shining, Eternal
PuruAncient King, Name of Lord Krishna
QasimDistributer, Divider, One who divides
QamarMoon, Beautiful
QuaziJudge, Leader, Ruler
QutbAxis, The Best
QuamirLeader, King, Ruler
QadirPowerful, Able, Capable
QuasimDistributer, One who divides
QusaiA name from the tribe of the Prophet
QamaruddinMoon of the religion, Light of religion
QuanjalA name related to wisdom and knowledge
RaviSun, Lord Surya
RajeshKing, Lord of the Kingdom
RohanAscending, A name of Lord Vishnu
RameshLord Vishnu, Protector of the Earth
RajivBlue Lotus, A name of Lord Vishnu
RaghavLord Rama, A descendant of Raghu
RanveerBrave Warrior, Full of Courage
RahulConqueror of all miseries, Lord Buddha
RishabhSuperior, Moral, A musical note
RohitRed, Sun, A name of Lord Vishnu
SiddharthOne who has attained his goals, Lord Buddha
SamarthCapable, Efficient, Powerful
SureshLord Vishnu, God of the Gods
ShankarLord Shiva, Benefactor
SohanAttractive, Handsome, Brilliant
SameerBreeze, Air, A name of Lord Vishnu
ShivendraLord Shiva, King of the Gods
ShyamDark, A name of Lord Krishna
SurajSun, Bright, Light
ShubhamAuspicious, Good, Fortunate
TanaySon, A name of Lord Shiva
TarunYoung, Youth, A name of Lord Vishnu
TrishanNoble, Desired, Leader
TejasRadiance, Brilliance
TusharSnow, Frost, Ice
TanmayEngrossed, One with a charming personality
TrilokThree Worlds, Lord Vishnu
TarakStar, A name of Lord Vishnu
TanveerBrave, Powerful, Strong
TanishaAmbition, Desire
UdayTo Rise, Sunrise
UjjwalBright, Clear, Radiant
UttamThe Best, Excellent
UmeshLord Shiva, God of the Universe
UpendraLord Vishnu, A name of Lord Vishnu
UtkarshExcellence, Rise
UdayanSunrise, Rising
UjjayanVictorious, Conqueror
UnmeshThe act of opening the eyes, Realization
UmangJoy, Enthusiasm, Desire
VikramBrave, Powerful, A name of Lord Shiva
VarunGod of water, Lord of the oceans
VedantUltimate knowledge, A name of Lord Vishnu
VirajBrilliance, Splendor, King
VishalGrand, Immense, Big
VigneshLord Ganesha, Remover of obstacles
VedarthMeaning of the Vedas, Knowledge
VivekWisdom, Judgment, Discrimination
VatsalAffectionate, Loving, Caring
VanshAncestry, Descendant, Family
WaseemHandsome, Graceful
WahidUnique, Only One
WaqarDignity, Prestige
WaseemahBeautiful, Graceful
WaliProtector, Guardian
WasimGraceful, Handsome
WafiFaithful, Loyal
WajidRuler, King, One who brings glory
WazirMinister, Helper, Advisor
WaleedNewborn, A name of the Prophet
XanderDefender of the people
XaviBright, New House
XaneGod is Gracious, Gracious
XanderDefender of mankind, Strong and Manly
XaviusBright, Shining
XenonA rare, shining gas
XanderinoProtector of man, Strong
XinoGuardian, Protector
XavienBright, New House
XylanFrom the forest, Woods
YashFame, Glory, Success
YuvanYouthful, Young, Strong
YashwantFamous, Successful
YashasviVictorious, Famous
YuvrajPrince, Heir to the throne
YogiOne who practices yoga, Sage
YadunandanSon of Yadu, Lord Krishna
YatinDevoted, Ascetic, A name of Lord Shiva
YashpalProtector of Fame, One who protects his name
YogeshLord of Yoga, Lord Shiva
ZainGrace, Beauty, A name of Lord Vishnu
ZubairStrong, Brave, Intelligent
ZahidPious, Devout, One who is very religious
ZainulBeauty of the religion, Splendor
ZubariA type of precious jewel
ZamanTime, Age
ZafarVictory, Success
ZaidGrowth, Abundance
ZakiPure, Chaste, Intelligent
ZareenGolden, Precious
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